
Awareness is key to growth!Awareness training and coaching based on Mindfulness

In society today we often find ourselves in hectic situations that require us to have a good capacity to handle stress and a great deal of clear focus and concentration.

These skills can be trained.

Evaluations show that awareness training through Mindfulness:
  • enhances focus and concentration
  • strengthens effectiveness
  • decreases stress
  • tunes up immune system response
  • improves well-being and work life balance

True Development offers speeches, workshops, courses and individual coaching based on Mindfulness for employees and managers in corporations as well as for private individuals. You are supported in successfully and mindfully navigating both your professional and personal life: you learn to cultivate your inner leadership by training your ability to stay aware and regain the necessary calm and clarity to function at your optimum potential both professionally and personally.

You are welcome to surf this site and get in touch to learn more about what we offer!


Your Inner Stability...

... how do you find it?

Program in Swedish starting in
November 2022! Warmly welcome!

Right now...

... there are many opportunities!

Check them out (in Swedish)!
Warmly welcome to connect!


... from customers, clients and course participants!

Read here - what others say about us (in Swedish)!

Mindfulness at the work-place!

Here you find an information brochure (in Swedish)!

Contact us to discuss possibilities!

Meaningful Conversations!

Face-to-face, through internet or by phone!

Explore your grandest dream and your greatest challenge!

Discover for yourself the strength,
ease and wisdom revealed within you!

Contact us to book a Meaningful Conversation!